Your choice is clear. Simply Sensity

Sensity Range

Find out which Sensity lenses are right for you

No matter where the life takes you, with Sensity light adaptive lenses, enjoy convenience, comfort, style and UV protection, making them ideal for your busy and adventurous lifestyles. Our four available lens options in different colors darken outdoors and fade back to clear when indoors. These lenses seamlessly adjust to different light conditions, providing the practicality of 2-in-1 glasses.

Sensity Fast

Fastest fading light adaptive lenses*

Sensity Fast

You are always on the go, rushing from one thing to the next. Consideration of your lifestyle is an important criterion for you in anything you buy. It’s the same for your eyewear. Fast adaptation to conditions, convenience, and no fuss in life. These lenses are the quickest fading light adaptive lenses available*, fading back to fully clear lenses indoors and comfort in ever-changing light conditions.

Sensity 2

Enjoy convenience of light adaptive lenses

Sensity 2

With outstanding comfort and performance, Sensity 2 lenses darken outdoors and quickly fade back to exceptionally clear when indoors, providing comfortable vision no matter the lifestyle, climate or season.

Sensity Dark

Enjoy comfort of light adaptive lenses

Sensity Dark

Sensity Dark lenses can get extra dark when outside, making it ideal for those who spend a lot of time outdoors. It even works when you're driving!

*HOYA data on file. Sensity Fast Product Assessment Report 2024. 03/2024